Commission Approved Contracts
Real estate brokers are required to use Commission approved contracts and forms as appropriate to a transaction or circumstance.
If a real estate broker is a party to a transaction (e.g., listing contract, or a purchase and sale contract and broker is acting as a principal), such broker may engage counsel to prepare a form for the transaction so long as the form conspicuously states the form is not a Commission-approved form.
If a real estate broker uses an attorney-prepared form as provided in Rule 7.1, such broker shall continue to be responsible to make all required disclosures to all parties under applicable laws, rules and regulations governing real estate brokers.
Other forms used by a broker shall not be prepared by a broker, unless otherwise permitted by law.
The Division of Real Estate, on behalf of the Colorado Real Estate Commission, makes Commission-approved forms available to third-party vendors upon request. Licensees are advised that third-party vendors may make Commission-approved forms available for use by real estate brokers. Licensees shall continue to be responsible to ensure that any third-party vendor forms used are the Commission-approved forms. Any discrepancies between Commission-approved forms and the forms made available by a third-party should immediately be brought to the attention of the third-party vendor.
Real Estate Broker Mandatory Contracts and Forms
- Listing Contracts
Exclusive Right to Buy (for use after August 14, 2024)
Exclusive Right To Sell (for use after August 14, 2024)
- Sales Contracts
Contract to Buy and Sell, Residential (for use after August 14, 2024)
Contract to Buy and Sell, CO Foreclosure Protection Act (for use after August 14, 2024)
Contract to Buy and Sell, Income-Residential (for use After August 14, 2024)
Contract to Buy and Sell, Commercial (for use after August 14, 2024)
Contract to Buy and Sell, Land (for use after August 14, 2024)
Manufactured Home Contract to Buy and Sell (Lot Lease Only) (2024)
- Addenda to Contracts
Residential Addendum to Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate (for use after August 14, 2024)
Source of Water Addendum to Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate
Short Sale Addendum (Seller Listing Contract)
Short Sale Addendum (Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate)
Open Listing Addendum to Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing Contact
Exclusive Brokerage Listing Addendum to Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing Contract
Exchange Addendum to Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate
Brokerage Duties Addendum to Property Management Agreement (2024)
Brokerage Duties to Seller (REO & Non-CREC Listings) (2023)
Licensee Buy-Out Addendum to Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate (2023)
Manufactured Home Addendum to Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (2024)
- Disclosure Documents
Seller's Property Disclosure (Residential) (for use after August 7, 2023)
Seller's Property Disclosure (Commercial) (2024)
Seller's Property Disclosure (Land) (2024)
Seller's Property Disclosure Supplement (Additional Structure) (2024)
Lead-Based Paint Disclosures (Sales)
Lead-Based Paint Disclosures (Rentals)
Lead-Based Paint Obligations of Seller
Lead-Based Paint Obligations of Landlord
Energy Benchmarking Disclosure (2024)
Dual Status Disclosure (Real Estate Broker & Mortgage Broker)
Definitions of Working Relationships
Brokerage Disclosure to Tenant
Brokerage Disclosure to Seller (Sale by Owner)
Brokerage Disclosure to Buyer (for use after August 14, 2024)
- Notice of Documents
Title-Related Objection Notice
Appraised Value Objection Notice
Homeowner Warning Notice (CO Foreclosure Protection Act)
Seller Warning (CO Foreclosure Protection Act)
- Counterproposal
- Agreements to Amend/Extend Contract
Listing Contract Amend-Extend Broker
Agreement to Amend-Extend Contract (for use after August 14, 2024)
- Closing Forms
- Deeds of Trust
Deed of Trust (Due on Transfer-Creditworthy)
- Deeds
- Promissory Notes
- Bills of Sale
- Optional Forms
Post-Closing Occupancy Agreement
Assignment of Lease (new form in 2023)
Real Property Transfer Declaration (TD-1000)
TD-1000 INSTRUCTIONS (Real Property Transfer Declaration Instructions)
Registration of Existing Well (External Link)
Well Permit Guide (External Link)
Division of Water Resource Fee Schedule (External Link)
Change of Ownership Well Location (External Link)
Worksheet for Real Estate Settlement
Appendix D to Part 1024 — Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Statement Format Notice
Updated Commission approved contracts and forms for use on August 15, 2024 provided in “redlined” and “clean” formats for educational purposes:
- Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing Contract
Redline / Clean - Exclusive Right-to-Buy Listing Contract
Redline / Clean - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Residential)
Redline / Clean - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Residential) (Colorado Foreclosure Protection Act)
Redline / Clean - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Income-Residential)
Redline / Clean - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Commercial)
Redline / Clean - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Land)
Redline / Clean - Brokerage Disclosure To Buyer-Definitions of Working Relationships
Redline / Clean
Additionally, three forms were reviewed and approved by the Commission at a non-rulemaking hearing on August 6, 2024:
- Agreement to Amend/Extend Contract
Redline / Clean - Counterproposal
Redline / Clean - Residential Addendum to Contract to Buy & Sell Real Estate
Redline / Clean
Colorado Real Estate Commission Forms (Suggestion Form)
Transaction File Checklist and Retention of Records
When to Use the Contract to Buy and Sell (Colorado Foreclosure Protection Act)
Paragraph #15.3.3 of the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate
Requirements to Sell Manufactured Homes
Non-Commission Forms Available From the Colorado Bar Association:
Tenant Radon Disclosure Form (pursuant to SB23-206)-prepared by the Colorado Bar Association
Buyer Radon Disclosure Form (pursuant to SB23-206)-prepared by the Colorado Bar Association
Brokerage Firm Compensation Agreement Form-prepared by the Colorado Bar Association