Broker Education Providers & Course Approval


For each three-year license cycle, all active real estate brokers must complete 24 hours of continuing education.

Regarding a newly licensed broker: An initial broker's license expires at midnight on December 31st of the year in which it was issued. During that initial licensure period, the newly licensed broker will not have any obligation to complete any continuing education. After that initial license period, the active licensee will then be on a three-year license cycle and be obligated to complete 24 hours of continuing education within that licensing cycle.

Eligibility Requirements

Education providers that want to be eligible to provide continuing education to real estate brokers must submit their proposed course(s) to the Division of Real Estate for approval. The course and course materials must follow all the requirements found in section 12-10-213(3), C.R.S., and Real Estate Commission rules 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7. 

You may view the rules in their entirety by clicking here

To apply as a provider/instructor to teach the Annual Commission Update (ACU) Course, complete the Annual Commission Update Provider Application and submit to DORA_RealEstateBrokerEducation@state.co.us

Upon approval, at least one instructor from each organization must successfully complete the ACU training session to be granted access to the teaching material. 

Providers are responsible for ensuring each approved instructor completes the training prior to teaching the course.

Should you have any questions concerning the ACU application process, instructor credential requirements, or the course materials, contact: David Donnelly at (303) 894-2355, or contact the Division at: DORA_RealEstateBrokerEducation@state.co.us

  • The Division recommends that you submit your application and course materials electronically. Use the email submission button at the bottom of the form for requesting course approval.
  • Incomplete applications will result in the denial of the course approval. Course approval only applies to continuing education credit for real estate brokers.
  • Courses will be approved for three (3) years, except that an annual or one-time seminar or conference may be approved for a specific date or dates.

  • Real estate law;
  • Property exchanges;
  • Real estate contracts;
  • Real estate finance;
  • Real estate appraisal;
  • Real estate closing;
  • Real estate ethics;
  • Condominiums and cooperatives;
  • Real estate time-sharing;
  • Real estate marketing principles;
  • Real estate construction;
  • Land development;
  • Real estate energy concerns;
  • Real estate geology;
  • Water and waste management;
  • Commercial real estate;
  • Real estate securities and syndications;
  • Property management;
  • Real estate computer principles;
  • Brokerage administration and management;
  • Agency; and
  • Any other subject matter as approved by the real estate commission.

Approved course topic areas are referenced in 12-10-213(3), C.R.S., and Real Estate Commission rule 4.4.B. 

Education providers may choose any format for the continuing education course completion certificate. However, the completion certificate must include:

  • The licensee’s name.
  • Course subject and content.
  • Course approval number.
  • Number of CE credits granted.
  • Date(s) of the course attended.
  • Authentication by the provider.

You must obtain approval for each course you plan to offer. You cannot make any significant alterations to the course without first obtaining approval from the Division.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the course and instructor(s) are in compliance with these requirements at all times, or the course approval will be revoked.

Course approval submissions should be sent to: dora_realestatebrokereducation@state.co.us

Continuing Education Course Submission Requirements

Completed Continuing Education Course Application.

  • Courses will be approved for up to three (3) years.
    • Annual or one-time seminar or conference offerings may be approved for a specific date or dates. 

A resume outlining education and expertise that qualifies the proposed instructor to provide training.

A detailed, timed outline, including learning objectives for each segment of the course.

  Sample of detailed, timed outline, including learning objectives.

  • This outline must have sufficient details to justify the number of CE Credits requested.
  • If applying for Rule 2.5.C.3.a.iii approval, the course outline must contain an additional objective statement outlining how the course material meets that rule’s requirements.

An Online Course Approval Checklist must be submitted as a part of the application if the course is to be offered online.

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