Broker Advisory

2024 Legislative Summaries For Licensees

The 2024 Legislative Session was a very busy one. Although some bills were lost, many did become law. All licensees, but also consumers, should be aware of those laws that affect the real estate practice. The Division of Real Estate has prepared the following legislative summaries to aid you in better understanding the latest changes. Final language of these acts and other information about the Colorado General Assembly can be found on the Colorado General Assembly’s website at:

2024 Colorado Annual Commission Course

The 2024 Annual Commission Update course is available as of January 1, 2024 for real estate brokers. This 4-hour mandatory course is necessary in order to maintain your license status.

Understanding Competency in the Real Estate Broker Industry

Competency is a notion that many people can apply to others, but it might be hard to apply to themselves.  It might be harder still for us to apply it to our own professions, whether we have been practicing for just a few months or even several years.  Nevertheless, this self-reflection is important for a real estate licensee.  Having the competency to properly advise and guide your client in order to protect their client’s interests is an important requirement for all licensees. 

2023 Legislative Summaries For Licensees

The Colorado General Assembly Legislative Session adjourned on May 9, 2023. During the session, many new bills directly or indirectly affecting real estate and the practice of real estate were passed and became law. Understanding these laws, whether you are a real estate professional or simply an interested member of the public, may be helpful. The Division of Real Estate has prepared the following legislative summaries to aid you in better understanding the latest changes. Final language of these acts and other information about the Colorado General Assembly can be found on the Colorado General Assembly’s website at:

May 15, 2023: Broker Practice Advisory - Fraudulent Sellers

From time to time, the Division of Real Estate receives reports of scams or potential scams. Today, the Division would like to revisit an issue that can happen all across the state. While these scams can take place in single family homes and condominiums, they most commonly seem to take place on vacant, raw, or undeveloped land.

March 8, 2023: Broker Practice Advisory: Unlicensed Access To Properties

It has been brought to the attention of the Division of Real Estate of a growing scam involving unlicensed individuals contacting listing agents in an attempt to gain access to properties. Usually, the unlicensed individual is impersonating an actual real estate licensee and is reaching out to the listing agent, likely by email or text, but also by telephone, to arrange a showing under the auspices that they encountered some type of “error or problem” with the showing service. 

Real Estate Broker Safety

Now that the summer home-buying season is underway, real estate brokers should take heed of safety measures for themselves, as well as for their clients. In addition to any COVID-19 health department protocols that may exist in any particular county, there are other measures that can help ensure one’s safety.