HOA Center

HOA Forum: Homeowner and Board Member Rights and Responsibilities

For those of you living in a Common Interest Community, like an HOA, POA, Condominium, or Cooperative, navigating the complex laws affecting communities like the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) and the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act can be daunting.

HOA Forum: HOA Governing Documents 101

Did you know your homeowner’s association (HOA) is governed by a set of legal documents? Most know of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (or “CC&R’s”), but there are other records unit owners and board members need to be aware of.

HOA Forum: HOA Complaints

In addition to providing Colorado consumers with information about their basic rights and responsibilities under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”), did you know the HOA Information and Resource Center also accepts and tracks complaints?

HOA Forum: Board Members Roles & Responsibilities

What exactly does an HOA Board do? Both the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) and the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act have quite a lot to say about the duties and responsibilities of these various leadership positions one might find in a common interest community.

HOA Forum: HOA Budgets

With the end of the 2024 calendar year quickly approaching, it is time for many Common Interest Communities in Colorado to consider their budgets for the next year.

HOA Forum: Presentar Una Queja de HOA /File an HOA Complaint (Presented in Spanish)

This HOA Forum will be presented in Spanish -The HOA Information & Resource Center strives to ensure all Colorado consumers - including our Spanish-speaking stakeholders. Please join the HOA Center’s Program Assistant, Amanda Lopez, for a presentation in Spanish on how to navigate the HOA Complaint form, including how to file an online complaint.

HOA Center Advisory: Important Announcement About Senate Bill 24-021

As an HOA-interested party, you should be aware of an important bill that became law on August 7, 2024. Senate Bill 24-021 (“SB24-021”) requires the HOA Information and Resource Center to identify likely affected communities and send a notification to each relating to the requirements of the bill no later than November 1, 2024.