Real Estate Appraiser Practice Guidance




Understanding Scope of Work

Identify the necessary elements of the appraisal assignment as per USPAP; what is acceptable to produce credible results; limiting conditions and disclosures; and common issues encountered when developing assignment results.

    Understanding Scope of Work


Understanding Appraiser Workfile Requirements

An appraiser must prepare a workfile for each appraisal or appraisal review assignment in order to be compliant with the Record-Keeping Rule.

    Understanding Appraiser Workfile Requirements


The Sales Comparison Approach

Ensure a successful appraisal for your client by supporting adjustments properly, and learn what is not considered adjustment support.

  The Sales Comparison Approach


Cost Approach to Determine Value

Achieve better results when using this valuation approach so that credible assignment results can be accomplished for the public.

  Cost Approach to Determine Value


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