Division Notifications
Practical Guidance Advisory on Board Rule 5.1: Appraiser Experience Requirements
January 2022 Bimonthly Update
The Division of Real Estate bimonthly email update is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for education webinars. Additionally, licensed professionals can find updates on licensing deadlines, opportunities for stakeholder engagement, and important practice guidance matters.
2022 Colorado Annual Commission is available
The 2022 Colorado Real Estate Manual is now available
The Colorado 2022 Real Estate Manual is now available for purchase. The manual has been updated and contains the program’s statutes, rules, position statements, case law, and real estate related substantive sections.
You can have access to abridged chapters of the manual on the Division’s website. A hard copy of the 2022 Real Estate Manual can be purchased on the LexisNexis website at the Real Estate manual online page or by calling Lexis-Nexis at 1-877-394-8826.
The Fall 2021 Real Estate News
The Division of Real Estate is excited to release the Fall 2021 Real Estate News online quarterly newsletter. This online publication provides the public access to the Division’s meetings and event calendar, program disciplinary actions, updates on important matters, and timely articles written by Division staff and outside contributors in the real estate industry.
Adopted Changes to Colorado Real Estate Commission Rules & Subdivision Rules (Effective November 30, 2021)
Real Estate Broker Rulemaking Update
On October 5, 2021, the Colorado Real Estate Commission held a permanent rulemaking hearing and adopted some changes to the Rules Governing Real Estate Brokers, to be effective on November 30, 2021.
Highlights of the adopted changes include: