Division of Real Estate

Welcome to the Colorado Division of Real Estate

The Division of Real Estate protects the consumer through the licensing, regulation, and enforcement of licensed real estate professionals. We aspire to create a balance between consumer protection and promoting a fair and competitive business environment. We accomplish this balance by providing a collaborative approach to regulation that is open, simple, and user-friendly.

Division Notifications

To help ensure homeowners and commercial property owners in Colorado have access to property insurance even in areas prone to natural disasters or other risks, the legislature passed HB23-1288, which created the Fair Access to Insurance Requirement (“FAIR”) Plan.
Did you know your homeowner’s association (HOA) is governed by a set of legal documents? Most know of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (or “CC&R’s”), but there are other records unit owners and board members need to be aware of.
The Division of Real Estate's bimonthly email update is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for educational webinars. Read It Here 

Sunset Review

Colorado sunset over a subdivision

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform ("COPRRR") is currently conducting a sunset review of the Colorado Real Estate Commission and the duties of the Colorado Division of Real Estate in association with the regulation of real estate brokers and subdivision developers. Analysis is performed to determine if the Program is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed.  To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRR's website