Division Notifications

HOA Forum: HOA Governing Documents 101

Did you know your homeowner’s association (HOA) is governed by a set of legal documents? Most know of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (or “CC&R’s”), but there are other records unit owners and board members need to be aware of.

February 2025, Bimonthly Notification

The Division of Real Estate's bimonthly email update is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for educational webinars. 

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The Winter 2025, Quarterly Real Estate News

The Division of Real Estate is pleased to release the Winter, 2025 Real Estate News online quarterly newsletter. This online publication provides the public and real estate professionals access to the meetings and event calendar, program disciplinary actions, updates on important matters, and timely articles written by Division staff.

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January 2025, Bimonthly Notification

The Division of Real Estate's bimonthly email update is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for educational webinars. 

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December 2024, Bimonthly Notification

The Division of Real Estate's bimonthly email update is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for educational webinars. 

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HOA Forum: HOA Complaints

In addition to providing Colorado consumers with information about their basic rights and responsibilities under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”), did you know the HOA Information and Resource Center also accepts and tracks complaints?

HOA Forum: Board Members Roles & Responsibilities

What exactly does an HOA Board do? Both the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) and the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act have quite a lot to say about the duties and responsibilities of these various leadership positions one might find in a common interest community.