HOA Center

Meetings, Notices and Agendas: What are the rules?

One of the most common questions the HOA Information Center is asked is “Doesn’t my association have to provide notice of that?” Well, that depends on what “that'' is. The majority of meetings that will take place in an HOA are Board meetings.

Cigarettes, Cigars and Marijuana: Smoking in HOAs

We’ve all been there. You’re outside, maybe in a park, and you get a whiff of someone’s cigarette. If you’re one of the more than 38 million Americans who smoke, you may not think twice about it. But if you’re one of the other 290 million Americans who don’t smoke, then it’s likely offensive to you. Smelling smoke in a park is one thing, but what if you’re in your townhome living room watching TV?

What is your Association Doing to Protect its Members?

The first week of March is National Consumer Protection Week. During this time, consumer protection agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission and the Division of Real Estate will be helping people understand their consumer rights and make well informed decisions about finances and the sharing of personal information. 

What is a Nuisance and What Can You Do About Them?

As we all know, living in a homeowners association has many benefits. Unfortunately, at times, it may also present some detriments. One of the most glaring is the possibility that a neighbor may do or not do something which ends up being a nuisance to others in the community. When this happens, it is only natural for those affected to feel frustrated and annoyed.

New Year, New Maintenance Schedule

As we ring in the New Year, it is an ideal time to think about planning for the regular maintenance of your community. Besides providing a gameplan for your community’s leadership, a well made maintenance plan will be able to provide your association with many benefits