Sunset Review of the Colorado Real Estate Commission
The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Colorado Real Estate Commission. Analysis is performed to determine if the program is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed. To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRR's website.
Stakeholder Engagement
Pursuant to Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-4-103(2), the Division of Real Estate ("DRE") must establish a representative group of participants with an interest in the subject of our rulemaking to submit views or participate informally in discussions on the proposals under consideration or to participate in the public rulemaking proceedings on the proposed rules. In an effort to ensure early stakeholder engagement, DRE utilizes these groups to solicit input prior to filing Notices of Proposed Rulemaking with the Secretary of State. The type of early stakeholder engagement performed by DRE ultimately depends on the unique circumstances of each potential rule-making, but typically includes one or more of the following:
- E-mail “blast” notifications with working drafts of rules, including questions for consideration;
- Open Forums to discuss preliminary concepts/ideas;
- Specific and targeted outreach campaigns;
- Webinars for stakeholders; and
- Formal and informal meetings/roundtables.
The overarching goal is to assure interested parties have easy and early notification and opportunity to submit comments or questions for meaningful consideration and discussion on rules and regulations.
How to Become a Division Stakeholder
Citizens can be involved in both the drafting of proposed rules and the revision of such rules after they have been formally noticed for potential promulgation. To sign-up as a stakeholder for DRE please contact Melissa Phipps, via email at
Petitions for Rulemaking
You also have the right to petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule. This provides you the opportunity to identify problematic rules and to help us improve efficiency. The “Petition for Rulemaking” must be submitted to the Division of Real Estate, directly to, and is open to public inspection. Action on a petition is at the Division's discretion; but when the Division undertakes rulemaking on a matter, all related petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of rules must be considered and acted upon in the same proceeding.
Other Resources
The rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by DRE are available in multiple places, including the Division's Rrules & Notices of rule making hearings web page. Designed to be public facing intentionally, so that interested parties can learn about the process and can provide comments, particularly if the rule or regulation affects a stakeholder, individual, or business.